To begin with, a phobia refers to fear of or aversion to something . If a person is phobic to something that means he/she is apprehensive regarding its presence. When phobic people observes that particular thing, they desire to avoid it. It eventually results into anxiety and irritation. Many of us suffer from certain phobias. For example, I am cynophobic which means I am afraid of dogs. It’s not that I hate them or anything but their presence makes me anxious. I feel like they will attack me and hence, I abruptly want  to escape from that place.

But, But, But.........

Do you know their are people who have a phobia of peanut butter sticking to the roof of their mouth...Wait....What... Really??...YES.....Here is a list of 10 weird phobias that aren't well known  but they do exist.

1.  Arachibutyrophobia : 

Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. The phobics are not really afraid of the peanut butter, but the situation of getting choked by its sticky texture.

2.  Asymmetriphobia : 

Asymmetriphobia is the fear of asymmetrical things. The phobics are methodical, and they want their work to be symmetrical or orderly and when they don't find their work as they envisioned it to be, they usually end up getting panic attacks. 


Cathisophobia is the fear of sitting. It is also known as Thaasophobia. The phobics generally have anxieties about being trapped, or being unable to sit still.


Cardiophobia is the fear of the heart. The phobics might be heart attack survivors . Others are afraid of the image or symbol of heart due to a bad relationship. They find the feeling of the heart beating disturbing and they situate themselves so that they no longer feel it. 


Chaetophobia is the fear of hairs. The phobic avoid places like barber shop or salons where there is possibility of encountering hairs. They literally have a full blown panic attack at the sight hairs- often believing that they are going to be harmed by it.


Chrometophobia is the fear of money. The phobics find dealing with money difficult . Many go to the extent of wearing gloves while handling money. 


Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the fear of the number 666. The phobics may try to avoid  the number all the times , like blocking the cable channel 666. 


Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of long words. 
The phobics tend to experience a great deal of anxiety while dealing with long words . 


Scatophobia is the fear of fecal matter. The phobics would avoid going to public toilets or going to parks where they think they might step on animal poop. (It must be terrifying for them to poop, no?)


Panophobia is the fear of EVERYTHING. The phobics tend to suffer from one or more different kinds of phobias discussed earlier . They remain in a constant state of fear believing there is something terrible about to happen. 


 That's it for today. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed my blog. 

Get in touch :

Email me : alishaaskari3@gmail.com
You can also follow me on my instagram account : @ialishaaskari 



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